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June 30, 2008

Our newest addition

Well we have one azalea that will not be for sale for awhile. It seems to have two baby birds in that we discovered yesterday while watering. Actually I washed one out of the nest while watering...oops. We got it back in and this AM when I looked in on them they seemed fine and are better adjusted side by side instead of one on top of the other. I will try to keep you updated on their progress.

June 27, 2008

Saturday special - 6/27

Today's special is a good one. Climbing hydrangea is a wonderfully ornamental vine that produces year-round enjoyment through its production of handsome glossy dark green foliage, fragrant white flowers, and exfoliating bark. They can take part sun. These are regularly priced at $11.00 and on sale for $9.35. If you like hydrangeas you will love this different take on these plants.

While supplies last

Friday Special - June 27

Today's special is festival grass. It's tall red spikes really add beauty and dimension to your garden. It is on sale for $9.00 and regularly priced at $11.25.

June 26, 2008

Thursday special - 6/26

Gardenias are the special for this Thursday. We have August Beauty, Daisy and Radicans all in 3 gallon. They are regularly priced at $16.50 and on sale today for $14.00. Also we have 3 gallon Frost Proof Gardenias that are regularly priced at $18.00 on sale for $15.30. These shrubs are excellent choices for fragrant flowers and beautiful foliage. If you want to enjoy the fragrance, plant in areas with good air circulation near patios or windows where the fragrance will be noticed. Stop by today and get yours!

June 25, 2008

Deadheading done right

Annuals and perennials that repeat bloom will often do so only if the old, dying flowers are removed. If they remain on the plant, they will go to seed and stop producing flowers. Several flowers that bloom only once per season benefit from deadheading, because the plant puts its energy into strengthening itself instead of producing seed. Some exceptions to this rule are plants like Astilbe or ornamental grasses, that bloom only once, but continue to look attractive with their drying seed heads. Most annuals and many perennials will continue to bloom throughout the growing season if deadheaded. Black eyed susan, Butterfly bush, Dianthus and Purple coneflower are good examples of perennials that benefit from deadheading.

The pictures above show some that were left on a plant. The one the left has already dried, broke open and started to spread the seed. On the right it is in the process of going to seed. These are from petunias.

This petunia needs to be deadheaded. Below shows the correct way to do it.

Make sure to pinch behind the not just pull the bloom off or it will go to seed.

This is an example of what happens when they are left to go to seed. The plant starts to get leggy and you just have a bunch of pods and very few blooms. Be sure to pinch the entire bloom off do not just pull the dead blooms off because it will not have any benefits. If you take the time to do this often it does not take that long and actually is my therapeutic time. Do not waste the money you spent on your flowers, deadhead today to enjoy them the whole growing season.

June 24, 2008

Wednesday's Special - 6/25

The Hibiscus are blooming. Boy do I love these!! We have the hardy hibiscus and they have started their blooming season. They will bloom until around September or October depending on the weather. These are normally priced at $12.50 and will be on sale for $10.50.

The pciture below is of the Luna Red.

While supplies last!

Knock out roses

These have been among the most popular in all the items we sale. We have the single bloom, double bloom and tree form. I thought I would pass along a few tips to help yours reach their full potential. Deadheading will encourage new growth.
  • Regular deadheading will keep the Knock Out rose bush blooming until late fall
  • Be sure not to pile the mulch against the stems of the roses
  • Apply a fertilizer developed for rose bushes. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on fertilizing frequency. There are some good ones that insecticides and fungicides in the rose food
  • Make sure that the Knock Out rose bush is in a sunny location with well-drained soil
  • Water the Knock Out rose bush at the bottom. Reducing the shrub's exposure to overhead watering prevents leaf spot and disease. Increase the watering frequency during dry weather

June 23, 2008

Garden News for July

  • Remember how important it is to next year's flowers to not cut the foliage off of your spring bulbs. Always allow them to die back to the ground naturally!
  • To keep the new blooms coming on plants be sure to deadhead. It is actually quite therapeutic...try it today!
  • We still have annuals that you can use to make some planters to liven up those dull areas around the house.
  • Remember that even drought and heat tolerant plants need special attention paid to them when they are used in containers and/or hanging baskets. Check them frequently!
  • Use Sevin to prevent Japanese Beetles
  • To promote branching on your mums pinch them back AGAIN...but remember not to do after July (not an official date - just mine)

June 20, 2008

Friday special - 6/20

Today special is a good one!! All quart perennials are 15% off - We have a large assortment of perennials. Some examples are:

Bleeding hearts
Blackeyed Susans
Dianthus - one of my favorites!
Dwarf mondo grass
Joe Pye Weed
Hardy geraniums

Start your perennial garden today and enjoy it for years to come!

God Bless you,

June 19, 2008

Thursday special - 6/19

One gallon perennial ferns are the special today! We have Japanese Painted and Crested Lady ferns in one gallons.

Regular price $6.50 for $5.50

June 18, 2008


Today while watering I started watering the butterfly bushes and disturbed all the beautiful butterflies. I guess I was not paying any attention until they start fluttering everywhere. They really were quite beautiful and now I have something else I want Mike to plant me!! When I go back after lunch I am going to try to remember to take the camera and see if they are back.

Wednesday's Special - 6/18

Thank you for the patience in the hiatus of the week day specials. My Papa went to be with the Lord this last Wednesday.

The special this Wednesday is on annuals. All annuals are 15% off. Some examples of prices are:
6 packs - $1.80 for $1.53
4" coleus - $1.90 for $1.62
1 gallon Geraniums - $5.00 for $4.25
Fern hanging baskets - $10.00 for $8.50
Do not forget to mention this special from the blog!! See you there!

June 6, 2008

Specials on hold

I am so sorry but I have to put the specials on hold. We have too much going on in our family right now and pray that you will understand. When I have more time I will give some updates.

June 4, 2008

Wednesday's Special - 6/4

Tropicanna Canna's are our Wednesday special. To the left is the gold canna. These are 3 gallon plants that are literally ready to burst out of their pots. They are healthy but I am hoping to sale them versus repotting them. They are reguarly $21.00 and on sale for $16.50.

Large brightly variegated tropical foliage makes this exciting new dwarf canna with bright orange flowers a true stand out in the garden or container.

This easy to grow and easy to handle canna unfurls each new leaf with a show of burgandy stripes fanning off of a chartreuse vein. Sorry for the last picture. I am using pictures Brittney took.

June 3, 2008

Prayer requests

My Papa has been on a ventilator for 18 days now and they have taken 50 pounds of fluid off of him and they see no improvement. My Dad and his family have the hard decision of deciding when to take him off of the ventilator in the next few days. Please pray for the Lord's presence to be with them during this time.

Also Mike's Granny continues to battle her cancer and is in pain daily. Please pray for the Lord to ease her pain.

Double knockouts are finally here!

Ok, I switched from the old blogger and can not figure out (do not have time) to move them.

The double knock out roses finally came in and I am sure they will not be here long.

Sorry to say we have already sold all but one of the pink carpet roses and we have three white carpet roses left.

We got in six more of the Red Cascade Roses and they look just as good as the other ones we sold out of.

The variegated Weigela is a nice variation to any garden.

The Knockout tree roses are blooming again and they smell wonderful!

There are two new varieties of butterfly bush that have came in which are 'Asian Moon' and 'Rasberry Eyes'

We received the purple rhododendron that so many of you had asked about and we still have some of the lavender and rose colored ones.

The hanging baskets are really growing and look great. Stop by and see us!!

God bless you,
