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June 18, 2009

Pre-Summer Father's Day Sale

15 gal Weeping Japanese Maples ONLY $185.00
We have Crimson Queen and Tamukeyama

3 gallon River Birch -$18.00
3 gallon Cryptomeria - $18.00

10% off all trees and shrubs -in stock only-

excluding Encore Azaleas, Japanese Maples, Kaleidoscope Abelia, Knock Out Roses & Razzle Dazzle Crape Myrtles

We have Abelias, Aucuba, Arborvitaes, Azaleas (Gumpo & Hybrid), Barberry, Buddleia (Butterfly bushes), Camellias, Carpet Roses, Cascade Roses, Cedars, Chamaecyparis, Cherry tree, Cleyera, Eleagnus, Crape Myrtles, Cryptomeria, Cypress, Dogwoods, Euonymus, Forsythia, Gardenias, Hawthornes, Holly, Hydrangeas, Holly, Juniper, Lady Banks Rose, Laurel, Ligustrum, Lilac, Loropetalum, Magnolias, Maples, Nandinas, Osmanthus, Peris, Pines, Redbuds, Rhododendron, River Birch, Spireas, Thujas, Viburnums, Weigela, Willows, and Yew.

10% off Astilbe, Clematis, Columbine, Daylilly, Grass (excluding lirope), Hosta, Iris, Jasmine, 'Tropicana' canna lilly

Regular impatiens hanging baskets - $5.00
Double impatiens hanging baskets - $8.00
Beautiful ferns ONLY $10.00

We also have some herbs still available, Black Eyed Susan's, Coreopsis, Hibiscus, etc...

Knock Out Roses - We also have tree form!

Butterfly bush, perennial verbena and hosta

Sorry for the pics it was cloudy! 3 gallon River Birch and 3 gallon Cryptomeria

Regular impatiens hanging baskets only $5.00

June 6, 2009

Rain, rain go away

It has been a very wet week and I am ready to get outside and play in the garden. We still have a lot of beautiful annuals. We have had new crops come in to replace the ones that had got overgrown. This week we have a full flat of six packs for ONLY $8.00 and the four inch pots of wave petunias, petunias, calibrachoas, coleus, dahlia, daisy, geranium, herbs, Joseph's coat, lobelia, phlox, portulaca, sweet potato, verbena, and vinca are ONLY $0.99.

Caladiums - $1.50
10" daisy - $5.00
Sword Fern - $6.00
6" geranium - $4.00
gal Elephant Ears - $10.00
Clematis - $9.00
Mandevilla - $9.00

We also have watermelon and cantaloupe ready to plant!!